Les Insilences
Galerie LeRoyer (GLR41)
In an almost palpable silence, Les Insilences come to denounce the social straitjacket that op- presses us through unofficial rules that we integrate into our lives without being fully aware. Their gaze follows us through the room and speaks volumes. Indeed, it is not because they do not say anything that they are not bearers of a truth to tell, of a dimension that lends itself more to our so- ciety where all our gestures are watched, filmed or judged under the yoke of political correctness imposed on our daily life. Here, Les Insilences confront our conscience and subconscience with great intimacy and without any personal interest. They present themselves as friends conversing with the viewer’s mind...What do they want to whisper to us? “It’s with words that a story begins and it’s with stories that we mess up the world,” the artist re- marks. “In an era where we are now spied on from all sides, I wanted to denounce the judgments that are too often made and conveyed in a hasty manner with a simple excerpt of conversation or images in mind.” Now, nothing can pass us by silently, there is always an eye that watches us...observes us...spies on us.